My wedding anniversary is February 17th. I am married to one of the greatest guys on the planet. He is calm and measured, thoughtful and does not run through life all willy-nilly. I, on the other hand, tend more towards the bride-to-be at the last sale day at Filene's Basement. We are good for each other - balanced - zig & zag, yin & yang. This does, however, mean we have some LOUD conversations sometimes....Ok, I'm loud, he's usually not. Plus - he's really handy & techie so he can fix anything...and I do mean ANY THING. Plus, he's cute. Yes, I am married to the only super cute geek on the planet - yay for me! Anyway, the 17th is a pretty cool day.
My daughter - the fearless one, the one who "rocks AND rolls" - has a birthday on the 25th. Which, oddly enough, is actually the day we originally wanted to get married, but because Lent & Easter were early that year...blah, blah. It's always entertaining to see what she'll dream up next. This week, she announced that she's going to grow up to be a Super Hero, a veterinarian, and a singer/dancer, and a great whistler. Yep, that's my girl. She will totally rule at anything she wants to do....and lord help you if you try and get in her way.
Another reason to love February is that we start seeing signs that all the winter gloom may be over soon. We live in a city that is nicknamed the Jonquil City. There are those pretty yellow daffodils planted everywhere - including our yard! So, they start poking little green sprouts up about this time of gives me hope. This Southern girl detests any kind of weather that requires more than one layer & demands shoes. Plus, the days start getting noticeably longer. Fabulous news for us SAD sufferers!
So - what do you love about February? It's OK, you can like "that" day. I won't laugh (loudly).
Speaking of things to love - you need to go check out this fun hybrid project that you can use for "that" day or any day you just LOVE - here's my version:
and here is the original from In The Making Designs at
You can grab it for only $1 until Sunday night - woot! The download includes .pdf files to make the exact one shown in the preview and .psd files to make your own version like I did - enjoy!

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