So - who's up for some change? Some REAL change....change that works and helps you out on a daily basis and doesn't jack up your tax bill or ruin the economy? Here's the scoop: I've been a casual follower of the Zen Habits blog - pretty cool guy that talks about making your life more simplified so you can focus of what's important instead of stomping out fires everyday.....his new site, 6 Changes, is all about adding/changing 6 habits with very simple steps. You in? Good!
OK. Here are my 6 things I'd like to do:
1. Exercise daily.
2. Wake up earlier.
3. Declutter/organize for 30 min each day.
4. Make daily housework happen with the kids.
5. Create everyday (photography, scrapbooking)
6. Daily devotions with the kids.
So - now that I've publicly declared my intentions......will you help hold me to it? I'll do the same for you......
Off to read the 6 Changes site to see what my next steps are......
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Amazing goodness from Jessica Sprague!

Be there for registration - on Nov. 2 - that's Monday! See you in class!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tomorrow is October? Seriously?

But - in the mean time, if you click HERE, or on the photo above, you can download this cool photo to be used as a texture or overlay on your papers, photos, etc. When I saw these gorgeous trees on the hillside, coming down out of Provo Canyon last week, I immediately thought of my Spraground friend, Veevs, and her love of textures. So far, I've made several papers that will surely show up later in a Christmas themed kit.
So - enjoy the texture - take a deep breath & relax.....or at least that's what I keep telling myself after I realize that tomorrow is OCTOBER - holy cow - when did THAT happen?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wed, part 2

So, after lunch - where we all ate too much - we took a fun group photo - Gary has it & he'll be posting it on his blog (link to that on the right side of this blog). Then the group sort of divided between those that wanted more retail therapy and those that wanted to go back to the hotel & enjoy the precious few moments of peace and quiet that we can only get when we have a hotel room to ourselves! I'm sure that the shoppers had an amazing time and I can only imagine that invading a mall with the likes of Jess, Liv, Kari, etc., would have been a hoot and a half! They did come back with quite a few goodies and showed them off to us all - cute!
Since we didn't eat lunch until almost 2pm, we bumped dinner up at Los Hermanos to 8pm. We met in the Timpanogos room at 7:45 and proceeded en masse down the sidewalk to this adorable little Tex-Mex restaurant right on Center Street...the restaurant never knew what hit them.
Imagine roughly 20 or so Sprague Festers - all excited to see each other and enjoying just sharing each others' company....loudly....all at once....and these two sweet little boys who drew the short straws and had to wait on our table - yes, they put us all at one huge long table in a back room - guess they knew we'd be trouble! You have to feel sorry for the two guys - first, there was Kari with her "half Diet Coke, half Cherry Coke with lots of limes" to drink and then everyone's was amazing that we got fed at all - much less that it was what we ordered (or at least close) and pretty OK food. Some of it wasn't hot but I have enough chef friends to know that serving 20 different dishes at the same time & having them all be hot is next to impossible. But can I tell you - I have found the next best thing to nirvana: Bavarian Cream stuffed churros. Oh my...imagine a churros - you know, those fried dough sticks covered in cinnamon & sugar? Now imagine it hot, just out of the fryer, and stuffed with delicious vanilla cream....just wow.
The two waiters were so sweet - of course, we were all talking - loudly - all at the same time - laughing...and these two guys had to try and take our drink orders, our food orders, then bring condiments, then dessert & then divvy up 20 some-odd bills (yes, they actually let us do separate checks!!) and each time they had to interrupt somebody (OK, everybody) who was talking...they looked completely overwhelmed...hope they recover soon.
After dinner, we waddled back to the hotel where Jess said that she had a little "somethin' somethin' " for us all....what?! Doesn't she know that her gift to us is that she gave up precious time with her family (after they had all been sick for a week) to come be with us for a few days before DSE? And sweet Liv - this amazing woman who is so nice and so funny and one of the absolutely most genuine persons I have ever met - who came even earlier from halfway around the world to be with Jess - good thing since Liv ended up playing nurse to the Sprague family as they were all sick...and then had a major hand in the goodies that were handed out...but I digress...
So - Jess gets up and starts giving this amazing speech about how grateful she is for our coming to Sprague Fest & how much it means to her to have all of us be on & the forums, etc. and made us all cry. It still blows my mind to see how humble Jess is - when she has every reason to be the Diva....she almost seems surprised at the success of Some days I just want to tell her: "Jessica - this is what happen when you give freely of yourself and your God-given talents....God returns it to you ten-fold!" She also gave some hints of some digi goodness to come in the future - stay tuned!! Then, she handed out these cute gift bags with fun little chipboard albums, chipboard embellies, these yummy chocolate lollipops - that she and Liv made themselves - where did they find the time? But - the coolest part is this amazing frame with this very cool quote: "Friendship is a sheltering tree" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge......yes, Jessica & Liv, you are so right - and thank you for being a living, breathing example of that to us and for the gift of your friendship.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sprague Fest - Wed - part 1

It's Wonderful Wednesday! Gary, Gail and I slept in until 8am (10am ET) and then grabbed a quick breakfast in the Concierge Lounge - thanks, Bennett!!
So - the group kind of went in different directions for the morning & the 3 of us decided to do the Provo Canyon Loop - about an hour+ of amazing views, loopy roads & just lots & lots of beauty.

First stop - Bridal Veil Falls - pretty little waterfall - but it was freezing cold to we thin-blooded Georgians. This nice family agreed to swap photos with us so they took ours first. We were so cold that we dashed back to the car & almost drove off before we remembered - oops - that we needed to take theirs too!

Next was Sundance - yes, that Sundance. Surprisingly small place on a tiny barely 2-lane road - can't imagine how crazy it gets when the film festival is there.
We wandered a bit & took some gorgeous pictures....I couldn't get enough of the pretty flowers and plants they had growing everywhere - such color!

As we continued around the canyon loop, the aspens were just amazing. Even thought the leaves were still green, the bright grey/white of the trunks gave such a depth of light to the forest - it was unlike anything we had ever seen, being more used to darker forests with the deep brown of the oaks & pines.

The group met back up at a book store (surprise, right?) and we decided on The Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch - seems quite a few of us share a love of mizithra cheese!
But for me, the best part was talking & laughing - IN PERSON, with all these amazing people.

While we were there, Kari started ragging on Laurie for not posting the last few times to make Digital Superstar status on Laurie, always up for a challenge, whipped out her cell phone & crossed that task off her list! We all got to cheer - IN PERSON! Got this pic to celebrate the moment:

Oh - I forgot to include a fun picture of Laurie from yesterday - isn't she the cutest thing in the world? Just love the tiny baby bump - have you ever seen a tinier or cuter preggo?

Tuesday - Sprague Fest is finally here!!

Tuesday - Sprague fest begins - woo hoo! The event that we've been waiting for for literally months is finally here - we get to hang out - IN PERSON - with all these amazing people that we've grown to love through just the typed word and their gorgeous photos & cool is this?
The plan is to meet in a conf room that Jess reserved for us at 10am. So Kari & her adorable 2 1/2 boy, Cougar, Laurie, Deb, Amy, Tori, Jeanne, and I all meet up in the Timpanogos room...and wait...and text Liv & Jess....and wait...and call Liv & Jess...finally, Liv comes down (can I just tell you how awesomely amazing it was to finally meet this fabulous woman in person??) and tells us that Jess is sick....such a bummer! So sorry that she feels under the weather & can't come play with us today....but she needs to rest & save her voice for speaking & teaching. We sent up some emergency Diet Mt. Dew & lots of hugs.

The group wandered down to Gandolfo's NY deli and had some a-ma-z-i-n-g sandwiches - yum! Then, we finally got it together enough to make it to Temple Square in SLC by 2pm. We managed to find parking and find each other (it's a pretty big place!) and took some time to stand outside the square & just absorb the beauty of the architecture & the love that so obviously went into building it all. We wandered around the North Visitors Center and the gardens of the Temple Square....taking lots of pictures - gee, ya think? Tori and Laurie graciously and patiently answered my barrage of questions about LDS history & practices. We got to see the inside of the Tabernacle (where that little singing group hangs out sometimes...) and then we went up to the top of what used to be the Utah Hotel but is now a beautiful place for receptions and lunches and has a eye-level view of the top of the Temple - just wow. Liv gave us all these beautiful silver necklaces - so thoughtful and so very Liv - who else would think of bringing gifts like this when you have to travel around the world??
Since I had to pick Gary, Gail & Joan up at SCL airport in a couple of hours, I parted with the group - who all went to go shopping - and wandered by myself up to the Great Salt Lake. To be honest, I was a little bit disappointed. I think I was picturing this vast body of water surrounded by gleaming salt flats....yes, it's a big lake - but I grew up on the biggest lake east of the Mississippi so I'm not that impressed with large bodies of water. Yes, it's salty - even more so than the ocean. But, it stinks.....and there are no salt flats - just yucky, stinky mud that is just teaming with flies & other bugs. I was surprised to see seagulls - Utah is a landlocked state - seagulls, seriously? But, at least I can say I've been to the Great Salt Lake.

Off to SLC to gather the other 'peeps - it was like the perfect storm - but in a good way. Just as I'm pulling into the parking deck, Joan calls my cell phone saying she's here & has her luggage. Gary & Gail come down to baggage claim within 10 minutes and we are on our way back to the hotel with literally 1 second to spare to get our free 20-min parking at the airport - suhweet!
We head back to the Timpanogos room to meet the crew & Jess has joined the land of the living! She is feeling well enough to make it to dinner with us. Off to the Training Table we go - Kari worked here for 4 years & really knows the drill. She had us in stitches with her ordering techniques & the do' and dont's. Lots of burgers & cheese fries later, we head back for a good night's sleep.....
Monday, September 21, 2009
The fun starts tomorrow!

OK - after an amazing day in Provo where I did literally ANYTHING I wanted - nobody said "Mommy," nobody came to talk to me when I was in the bathroom, nobody tried to kill anybody else the minute the phone rang, no work (maybe the best part!), I ate what I wanted, when I wanted - and didn't have to cook or clean or do laundry or manage homeschool...I even took a nap!! It was awesome.
The bad thing is that that is just Monday....and I'm already missing Bennett and my kids - how can that be? The very sound of their little voices was setting my teeth on edge just yesterday before I left....being a mommy is a funny thing. Plus, it's weird to travel without Bennett - he and I have some amazing adventures together....but I digress.
So - tomorrow, we meet in the lobby at 10am - then we're headed into Salt Lake City to tour around. Since many of our group either grew up here or went to school here, it should be awesome.
Then, tomorrow evening, Gail & Gary arrive - my partners in digi-crime! Can't wait to start running around Utah with some really good friends. Down time is nice - and much needed - but travel is only fun if you have someone to share the experience.
So - it's hummus, broccoli & strawberries for dinner in the room (healthier than a cheeseburger, right?), a good night's sleep and then FUN!
Wow - a day totally to myself!

So our flight lands about 20 minutes early - which is nice because that meant that I could get my bag, pick up the rental car & get to the hotel before it was to late (I'm still on Eastern time - 2 hours later). We all get to the baggage claim - out of the 4 huge carousels, there is only one that is active. There is a huge crowd - probably 6-8 people deep around the carousel - I can't actually see the carousel, just the blinking sign above that is flashing flight numbers for the - wait for it - TEN flights worth of luggage that are all on this single one! Needless to say, that blew my gained 20 minutes & then some.
Then I realized how spoiled I am to live in a city with a huge international airport- with well-lit and well-marked signage to find things like where the freakin' rental cars actually are! So after wandering around & asking several uniformed people, I found it - across two streets in this dark and un-marked building. Maybe the nice SLC'ers don't really want to many tourists clogging up their pristine National Parks, etc.?!
Got the car, piled in all the luggage & headed South to Provo. They are doing work on the highways so traffic - even at 1opm (MT) was really clogged.....sigh.....
Found the hotel - it's not in the greatest of neighborhoods - but at least I have a rental car. Heather at the desk - maybe the first Goth Mormon I've ever met - was extremely nice getting me checked in.
So - here I am - it's 6:30am (MT) and I'm off to the Concierge Lounge for coffee and b'fast. Then I may do some yoga or swim or workout or stay in bed all day reading - who knows? I can't remember that last day where I truly had nothing I had to do or anyone to be with or take care's sort freeing and paralyzing all at the same time. Just shows how much I need this week!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Look out Provo - here I come!

I can't believe it's finally here!! The scrapbooking event that we've been hoping for & dreaming about for ages - especially after CKU Houston Annette let it be known that some kind of all or mostly digi scrapping event was in the works - I'm going to Provo TODAY!! Well, tonight, actually....but still!
The first few days will be SpragueFest - where some wonderful people who know each other from hanging out at will be hanging out - shopping, talking, eating, laughing...and taking LOTS of pictures!
I hope to post at least once a day - pictures & blurbs so that I can put it all in a digi scrapbook - so, happy reading & next time - come along for the fun!
Monday, June 22, 2009
You gotta love all things Jessica Sprague.....

OK - most of you know that my new love (OK, obsession) is digital scrapbooking and my hero in this area is the amazing Jessica Sprague. Well - it is even better today. RUN - don't walk - to register for the FREE photo editing class at her website Her classes are awesome because you have access to the class videos & materials cool is that?
Plus - this week, they are celebrating their 2-year anniversary - so stick around for the daily freebies & the Birthday Bash - woo hoo!
So - have an awesome Monday & be sure and "friend" me at - see you there!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Easter alpha digi freebie & more!

I love this time of year! Despite the pollen (yes, here in Atlanta, the rain is sometimes yellow due to all the pollen), I love the flowers, the new green leaves, the birds singing & the return of our adorable hummingbird families who squeak & dive bomb each other over the feeders mounted outside our kitchen windows.
But - my favorite part is Easter. My faith is important to me and the remembrance of what this time of year is all about goes far beyond the pretty dyed eggs and chocolate bunnies for me. I hope that you all have that sense of comfort from your faith - if not, let me know and I'll be happy to share mine with you.
I also love to digiscrap layouts of my family all dressed up in their Easter finery. With that thought in mind, I have created this set of Easter alphas for you in purple/pink, green, blue & yellow. They have just a little sparkle thanks to the awesome actions of Atomic Cupcake. Plus, I have included a picture of some gorgeous dyed Easter eggs....hope they add lots to your LOs! Click HERE or on the image above to download.
Also - I wanted to say thanks again for everyone who took the time to check out my friend, Lucy Adams' book - If Mama Don't Laugh, It Ain't Funny. Lucy has managed to combine the Southern humor of Jeff Foxworthy with the all-too-true witticisms of the ultimate mom, Erma Bombeck, into what may be the funniest book about raising kids in the South that I have ever read - if you want to know more, check out the posts below. I'm still donating all the proceeds from sales through the links on my blog to the 3-day Cancer Walk.
So - I'm off to Augusta on Wed with 3 kids and a bearded dragon lizard (new pet) and no hubby! He's staying here to install 4 new toilets....sounds like a humor book there, doesn't it?? Hugs!! Meg
Friday, April 3, 2009
It's HERE!! Check it out to win a free book or cap!

So - I have this friend from high school, Lucy Adams, who wrote this amazing book - called "If Mama Don't Laugh, It Ain't Funny" which may be one of the most hilarious books I've ever read. Run, don't walk, to get your copy - my husband laughed so hard that he literally fell out of bed one night....I think some of the stories might have hit a little close to home for him...if ya know what I mean??

See - Lucy is an awesome Southern Mom who actually remembered to write down all the side-splittingly funny things her kids did (and continue to do). Imagine that Jeff Foxworthy & Erma Bombeck got together on a book about raising's THAT funny.
Here is a fabulous excerpt from If Mama Don't Laugh, It Ain't Funny:
Out of the Mouths of Babes
I am blessed with (and tortured by) children who think profound thoughts. They never ask uncomplicated questions like why the sky is blue or endeavor to discuss the Big Bang
No, I’m hit with musings like, “What’s worser, Daddy gassing or being in love?” Not an easy one to answer, because it depends on when you ask me.
I find comfort in knowing that they do it to my husband, too. One morning, as the noise level around the breakfast table skyrocketed, my husband calmly walked over to the radio and shut down the commercial announcer in midsentence. He then breathed a huge sigh of relief. Our two year old daughter queried as to why he wouldn’t let her listen to the music, to which I responded that her daddy felt over-stimulated.
“By what” said our eight year-old, “diagra?”
Yet, inopportune comments at inopportune times often endow me with an opening to teach values and to put life (usually, my own) into perspective. My children’s questions and observations compel me to see the confusion of the world through their eyes. How lovely to spend my spare time wondering if I’m invisible in camouflage pants or considering what’s scarier, a T-rex or a tornado?
My children enrich my life as they press me into saying what’s more “importanter,” wearing shoes or wearing underwear? I would much rather focus on that intense and
timely issue, than perusing my stock portfolio or planning my work day.
After all, what does the tooth fairy do with all those teeth? And who would win a fight, a centipede or a scorpion? And what is the difference between the white sox and the red
sox, besides their socks?
(Excerpted from If Mama Don’t Laugh, It Ain’t Funny (Palm Tree Press), by Lucy Adams. Repreinted here by permission of the author.)

If you leave some love, I'll also send you the link to download this awesome quick page tag album - this beautiful tag album is made my Katie Pertiet & I added papers by Carrie Stephens from her Spontnaneous Delight Collection. This album prints perfectly on the Avery 53215 printable tags!
You can buy a copy of Lucy's awesome book now (they make great Mother's Day gifts!!) by clicking HERE or on the image of the cover above. I've given several of these out & everybody tells me that they went back & bought more to give to their mom or to other women they know & love. For all sales made from this link, I'm donating all proceeds to charity!
Leave some love for Lucy to get a freebie - and one lucky person will win a signed copy of the book & another will win a cool hat!
Take care, Meg
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It's HERE!! Check it out to win a free book or cap!

So - I have this friend from high school, Lucy Adams, who wrote this amazing book - called "If Mama Don't Laugh, It Ain't Funny" which may be one of the most hilarious books I've ever read. Run, don't walk, to get your copy - my husband laughed so hard that he literally fell out of bed one night....I think some of the stories might have hit a little close to home for him...if ya know what I mean??

See - Lucy is an awesome Southern Mom who actually remembered to write down all the side-splittingly funny things her kids did (and continue to do). Imagine that Jeff Foxworthy & Erma Bombeck got together on a book about raising's THAT funny.
Here is a fabulous excerpt from If Mama Don't Laugh, It Ain't Funny:
Out of the Mouths of Babes
I am blessed with (and tortured by) children who think profound thoughts. They never ask uncomplicated questions like why the sky is blue or endeavor to discuss the Big Bang
No, I’m hit with musings like, “What’s worser, Daddy gassing or being in love?” Not an easy one to answer, because it depends on when you ask me.
I find comfort in knowing that they do it to my husband, too. One morning, as the noise level around the breakfast table skyrocketed, my husband calmly walked over to the radio and shut down the commercial announcer in midsentence. He then breathed a huge sigh of relief. Our two year old daughter queried as to why he wouldn’t let her listen to the music, to which I responded that her daddy felt over-stimulated.
“By what” said our eight year-old, “diagra?”
Yet, inopportune comments at inopportune times often endow me with an opening to teach values and to put life (usually, my own) into perspective. My children’s questions and observations compel me to see the confusion of the world through their eyes. How lovely to spend my spare time wondering if I’m invisible in camouflage pants or considering what’s scarier, a T-rex or a tornado?
My children enrich my life as they press me into saying what’s more “importanter,” wearing shoes or wearing underwear? I would much rather focus on that intense and
timely issue, than perusing my stock portfolio or planning my work day.
After all, what does the tooth fairy do with all those teeth? And who would win a fight, a centipede or a scorpion? And what is the difference between the white sox and the red
sox, besides their socks?
(Excerpted from If Mama Don’t Laugh, It Ain’t Funny (Palm Tree Press), by Lucy Adams. Repreinted here by permission of the author.)

If you leave some love, I'll also send you the link to download this awesome quick page tag album - this beautiful tag album is made my Katie Pertiet & I added papers by Carrie Stephens from her Spontnaneous Delight Collection. This album prints perfectly on the Avery 53215 printable tags!
You can buy a copy of Lucy's awesome book now (they make great Mother's Day gifts!!) by clicking HERE or on the image of the cover above. I've given several of these out & everybody tells me that they went back & bought more to give to their mom or to other women they know & love. For all sales made from this link, I'm donating all proceeds to charity!
Leave some love for Lucy to get a freebie - and one lucky person will win a signed copy of the book & another will win a cool hat!
Take care, Meg
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
365 Template Freebie!

So - have you all been intrigued by the 365 Project?? You can get a feel for what this is HERE. But basically, it's a photo a day for a year - to track the everyday things that we all forget and take for granted but also the little moments that take our breath away but are so fleeting that if we don't take the time to record them, they are lost forever....
Confession time: I probably won't do this for 2009. Heck, I haven't even started scrapping most of 2007...except for our amazing trip to Okinawa which I did as a completely paper album....may be my last one of those for a while...I'm so behind it's not even funny. I look at it this way - when my kids leave home, I'll still have plenty of projects to keep me busy!
But - in the spirit of supporting my fellow scrappers (especially the digi ones), I've created a new template to help make things go a little more smoothly. A big thank-you to Atomic Cupcake for her amazing action that created the distressed edges to the various pieces of my template! So, you can click HERE or on the picture above to get the template. Enjoy!! As always, I love to hear your feedback - any & all tips appreciated! Take care & I promise not to be gone too long.....Meg
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