OK - I admit it - I'm not good at sitting around and waiting for stuff to happen. I'm one of those people who can handle just about anything - calmly and without freaking out - except the unknown. So - this election stuff is killing me. No worries - I'm not about to launch into a political diatribe - if you've read any of my stuff, you know where I stand....I'm just ready to get it over with and deal with the consequences....good, bad, or indifferent.
That being said - you all benefit from my nervous energy! Yesterday, I mentioned that I love Christmas - especially the shiny, glittery parts. So, I made a bunch of bracket frames in various glitter colors for you. There are 7 in all - Red, Green, Silver, Gold, Purple, Dark Blue and Light Blue - give me a shout if you want them in any other colors - happy to oblige! The images above show all the colors and the red one shows what the entire frame looks like. These are all page-sized (12x12 or 3600x3600 pixels) but are easily resized for smaller pages or frames on a page instead of using them to frame the entire page (like I do!).
You can click HERE or on the main image above to download.
So - hope you enjoy these - I'd love to hear from you if you have any requests - I love to play with shapes, glitters, etc. and make fun frames, shaped papers and journaling mats - more of those to come soon!
Take care - say a pray for peace for our country and our world - we need it!
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