OK - it's officially what I like to refer to as the "Silly Season." The time when (mostly) we women run around doing 4x what the normal person should be expected to do on any given day, cooking too many big meals, being too exhausted to enjoy them when we finally get to sit down, buying gifts for people that neither need nor want what we spent too much $$ and too much time and too much energy getting, wrapping, etc.
You know - it almost sounds like I'm sort of a Grinch....I'm not. I just wish with all my heart that we could get back to what Christmas REALLY means...make it simple - a time for real peace & joy - not chaos and all about the loot under the tree. I have been trying for years to get my extended family to agree to limit gifts to things we make or maybe to adopt a family that truly needs some help...instead we keep buying cashmere sweaters and too much candy for the stockings....sigh.....
But - in the spirit of what the Season means to me and my family - I have two things to offer: first, this set of four (4) glitter alphas in gold, silver, red & green glitter - each set includes caps, lower case, punctuation and the phrase "Merry Christmas" - enjoy! You can either click HERE or on the preview to download.
Second - try and be a beacon of true peace & joy this season - regardless of your beliefs or faith, nobody needs any more stuff - but there are a lot of people out there who need to know that somebody cares. Go care......I do.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful alpha...love it!! :)
Wonderful! Thank you!
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