Thursday, May 26, 2011

7 Days in May goodness.....

It's MAY!!  It's getting warm (OK, hot - but that's how we Georgia girls like it, right??), the kids are starting swimming & diving, the pool is open, the beach is calling my name.....AND, it's time for 7 Days in May at - can I get an Amen?  Where else do you get SEVEN days of challenges, templates, goodies and other amazing stuff - just because it's May??

Check out my favorite so far:
7 Days in May Template by Liv Esteban

This is my oldest, Zane, when he was just a few months old, hanging with my grandfather, Pop.  I had dressed Zane in this adorable little baseball outfit - complete with cap - and he and Pop sat and "chatted" for quite a while - it was just awesome.  Zane is 10 now but still remembers Pop and the fun times they shared.

So - go check out the goodies at - and don't forget about the big anniversary blast coming later in June - it's gonna be fabulous!


Unknown said...

Just love this LO Meg! very special indeed!