Wow - what a fabulous weekend I had! Got to escape the day-to-day and scrap with some good friends and just hang out - it was fabulous! Got to give a shout-out to all my Peachy friends - thanks for a great w/e! I didn't get a whole lot done - but that may have had something to do with the fact that I was torn between 3 different projects (2 of them paper - eeeek!) and I was really tired...I even slept until 10am on Sunday - haven't done that in forever. Then, I got to go home (thanks for driving, Gail!) and get all dressed up to see "Wicked" at the Fabulous Fox Theatre with my hubby - fun!! It was awesome!
So - in the spirit of sharing, here are some grungy, swirly papers for you - you can either click the preview above or HERE to get them. Enjoy!!
My uncle continues to improve - hopefully, he will be moving to a PT/rehab part of the hospital to work on regaining full function in his left foot/leg. He still has a long way to go so your prayers would be appreciated still.
On the home front - my hubby, Bennett, is still slated to be on a project in Fla starting next Monday - this means 5 to 6 days a week travel and he may only be home about 30 hours each w/e....can you tell I'm freaking out about this???? Being a solo parent, handling all the kids, work, house, homeschool, having no partner around - not to mention the fact that he's my best friend and I miss him.....it just sucks when he travels. It's so hard on all of us....even him! BUT - he is meeting with a big company HQ'ed about 5 miles from our house today - if that works out then he might be able to make a fabulous career move and have ZERO travel....talk about an answer to prayer!!
Have a wonderful Halloween - check out some of my earlier posts to grab some Thanksgiving freebies & maybe I'll even post again before Turkey Day! Take care, Meg
These are really pretty. Thanks!
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